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Datenmodell von open theory

Maintainer: Stefan Meretz, Version 1, 16.05.2000
Projekt-Typ: halboffen
Status: Archiv

(1) ASCII-Grafik (genaue Definitionen unten). Anmerkungen: MySQL kennt keine Foreign-Keys, trotzdem tue ich mal so. Lies "Metatext" als "Project".


###########################       ist         ###########################
#         MEMBER          #     Projekt-      #         PROJMEMB        #
###########################  1  mitglied   n  ###########################
# P memb_id  int unsigned #>-+---------------># P memb_id  int unsigned #
#   last_n   varchar(50)  #  |         n +---># P proj_id  int unsigned #
#   first_n  varchar(30)  #  |           |    ###########################
# I email    varchar(80)  #  |           |
#   passwd   varchar(50)  #  |           |
#   subscr   datetime     #  |           |
###########################  |           | hat Projekt-
                             |           | mitglieder
      ist Maintainer         |           |
 +---------------------------+           |
 |                                       |       hat Sub-Projekte
 |  +------------------------------------|---------------------------------+
 |  |                                    |                                 |
 |  |      wird referenziert von         |                                 |
 |  +--------------------------------+   |                                 |
 |  |                                |   |                                 |
 |  |  ###########################   |   |    ###########################  |
 |  |  #        METATEXT         #   |   |    #         SUBPJS          #  |
 |  |  ########################### 1 |   |    ###########################  |
 |  +-># P proj_id  int unsigned #>--|---+---># P proj_id  int unsigned #  |
 |  n  # P vers_id  int unsigned #   |   |  n # P subpj_id int unsigned #>-+
 +---->#   memb_id  int unsigned #   |   |    ###########################  1
 |  n  #   title    varchar(255) #   |   |
 |     #   titlabb  varchar(15)  #   |   |
 |     #   submit   datetime     #   |   |
 |     #   status   char(3)      #   |   |
 |     #   ref_by   int unsigned #>--+   |
 |     #   maillst  varchar(127) #       |
 |     #   link     varchar(255) #       |
 |     #   descr    blob         #       |
 |     ###########################       |
 |                                       | hat
 |  +------------------------------------+ Absätze
 |  |
 |  |  ###########################
 |  |  #        PARAGRAPH        #
 |  |  ###########################
 |  +-># P proj_id  int unsigned #
 |  n  # P vers_id  int unsigned #
 +---->#   memb_id  int unsigned #
    n  # P parastr  varchar(251) #
       #   submit   datetime     #
       #   send_by  varchar(120) #
       #   headln   varchar(255) #
       #   text     blob         #

Bitte nicht hier kommentieren, sondern nächsten Absatz (wird in der Mail zerhackt...)

(3) Ja, ich weiss, keine schöne Grafik, und das Datenmodell könnte an der einen oder anderen Stelle verbessert werden (z.B. memb_id aus PARAGRAPH raus).

(4) Die Projekthierarchie entsteht durch ref_by in METATEXT und die Intersection SUBPJS mit subpj_id (ein t-ärer Baum, so hiess das zumindest in unserem Studium). Damit verweist das untergeordnete Projekt auf das übergeordnete (ref_by) und das übergeordnete Projekt auf alle seine untergeordneten Projekte (subpj_id). Nachfolgend die Skripte zur Erzeugung der Tabellen (par_temp habe ich oben weggelassen, nur eine temporäre Tabelle zu sortieren von Absätzen).

Tabelle MEMBER


# Projects are used by members, or initiated by members = maintainer
create table member (
memb_id    smallint unsigned       not null auto_increment,# member id
last_n   varchar(50)             not null,       # last name
first_n  varchar(30)             not null,       # first name
email   varchar(80)             not null,       # email address
passwd       varchar(50)             not null,       # password
subscr    datetime                not null,       # subcription date
primary key( memb_id ),
unique key email_idx( email )



# Metatexts generally chracterize projects.
# A member given in the metatext record is the maintainer of the project.
# Valid values of status: "ini" (initialized), "act" (active), "arc" (archives),
# and "fin" (finished).
create table metatext (
proj_id  smallint unsigned       not null,       # project id
vers_id smallint unsigned       not null,       # version number
memb_id     smallint unsigned       not null,       # member id
title    varchar(255)            not null,       # project title
titlabb      varchar(15)             not null,       # title abbreviation
submit  datetime                not null,       # submission date
status     char(3)                 not null,       # text status
ref_by smallint unsigned       not null,       # referenced by project
maillst      varchar(127)            not null,       # mailinglist name
link      varchar(255)            null,           # link to base text
descr    blob                    not null,       # short description
primary key( proj_id, vers_id ),
key titlabb_idx( titlabb )



# The intersection projmemb joins between member and metatext: a member can
# join one or more projects, and a project has 1 or more members
create table projmemb (
proj_id     smallint unsigned       not null,       # project id
memb_id smallint unsigned       not null,       # member id
primary key( proj_id, memb_id ),
key proj_idx( proj_id ),
key memb_idx( memb_id )

Tabelle SUBPJS


# all sub projects of a main project
create table subpjs(
proj_id smallint unsigned   not null,
subpj_id smallint unsigned not null,
primary key( proj_id, subpj_id ),
key proj_idx( proj_id ),
key subpj_idx( subpj_id )



# A paragraph is the basic text block of a text project. Paragraphs are
# described by the paragraph string builded by three parts:
# -> 6 leading chars defining 999999 paragraphs of the text in maximum
# -> 61 x 4 chars defining 61 comment levels with max. 9999 paragraphs each
# -> 1 trailing char indicating the string end ("#")
create table paragraph (
proj_id   smallint unsigned       not null,       # projekt id
vers_id smallint unsigned       not null,       # version number
memb_id     smallint unsigned       not null,       # member id
parastr  varchar(251)            not null,       # paragraph string
submit    datetime                not null,       # submission date
send_by    varchar(120)            null,           # subm date and name
headln  varchar(255)            null,           # paragraph headline
text    blob                    not null,       # paragraph text
primary key( proj_id, vers_id, parastr ),
key pj_ver_idx( proj_id, vers_id )

Tabelle PAR_TEMP


# paragraph temporary table to copy versions of texts
create table par_temp (
proj_id       smallint unsigned       not null,       # projekt id
vers_id smallint unsigned       not null,       # version number
memb_id     smallint unsigned       not null,       # member id
parastr  varchar(251)            not null,       # paragraph string
submit    datetime                not null,       # submission date
send_by varchar(120)               null,           # subm date and name
headln  varchar(255)            null,           # paragraph headline
text    blob                    not null        # paragraph text

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