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Muster eines Artikels in DocBook XML

Maintainer: Torsten Wöllert, Version 1, 04.10.2000
Projekt-Typ: halboffen
Status: Archiv


(1) Das Muster kann im Originalformat (DocBook XML) beim Verfasser angefragt werden.

(2) Die einzelnen Zeilen sind leider nicht kommentierbar, um eine klare Strukturierung des Codes beizubehalten.

Leerer Artikel in DocBook XML


<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh/DTD DocBk XML V4.1.2//EN"

"http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [

<!ENTITY aelig "&#x00E6;">

<!ENTITY ouml "&#x00F6;">

<!ENTITY aperta "Encyclop&aelig;dia Aperta">



<article id="index">



<title>Your Article's Title</title>

<subtitle>&aperta; Doc Category</subtitle>












<edition>First Edition</edition>

<pubdate>Publication Date</pubdate>







Template's intial public release. (Authors should

replace this remark and date with their own comments

and finish date).













<contrib>&aperta; Article Template Maintainer</contrib>






<contrib>Describe how they helped.</contrib>





A brief (one paragraph) summary of the article.






<holder>the authors</holder>




<section id="docinfo">

<title>Document Information</title>


<section id="document-location">

<title>Document Location</title>


The current version of this document can be found at the

<ulink url="http://www.opentheory.org/enzyklop_muster/">

&aperta;</ulink> project.




<section id="author-info">

<title>Author Information</title>


Please send corrections and suggestions to YOUR NAME at:

<email>YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS</email>.

Please put the title of this document in the subject line.




<section id="licenseinfo">

<title>License Information</title>


This document is made available for use under the

conditions of the GEA Public License - Version 0.10,

May 8, 2000. The original can be found at the

<ulink url="http://www.opentheory.org/enzyklop_lizenz/">

OpenTheory Site</ulink>.





<section id="intro">



The introductory comments.


</section> <!-- Introduction -->


<section id="first-topic">

<title>First Topic</title>


The text.


<section id="first-topic-subsection1">

<title>Subsection 1</title>


More text.



<section id="first-topic-subsection2">

<title>Subsection 2</title>


More text.





<section id="second-topic">

<title>Second Topic</title>


The text.


<section id="second-topic-subsection">



More text.




<para>an item</para>



<para>another item</para>



<para>again an item</para>





<imagedata fileref="some_picture.gif" format="gif"/>




If you were not using <productname>Lynx</productname>

you could now see a picture.







<appendix id="optional-appendix">

<title>Appendix Title</title>


This is an optional appendix.


<section id="appendix-subsection1">

<title>Appendix Subsection 1</title>


More text.



<section id="appendix-subsection2">

<title>Appendix Subsection 2</title>


More text.





<appendix id="resources">







Description and location.








Description and location.







<bibliography id="bibliography">




<subtitle>The Subtitle</subtitle>











<isbn>the isbn number</isbn>






<street>Street address</street>


<state>state, canton, province</state>




<pubdate>publication date</pubdate>


description (optional)






<biblioset relation=journal>

<title>Journal Title</title>



Publisher Name









<biblioset relation=article>

<title>Article Title</title>






<year>Month Year</year>


Copyright Owner










(3.1) Re: Leerer Artikel in DocBook XML, 12.10.2000, 20:24, Daniel Popescu: Da benutzt doch tatsächlich jemand das unfreie Format "gif" als Beispielgrafikformat.

(3.1.1) Freiheit für Formate, 13.10.2000, 14:07, Torsten Wöllert: Mea culpa! Sollte natürlich "png" heißen. Oder gibt's noch was besseres?

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