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Muster eines Artikels in DocBook XML
Maintainer: Torsten Wöllert, Version 1, 04.10.2000
Projekt-Typ: halboffen
Status: Archiv
(1) Das Muster kann im Originalformat (DocBook XML) beim Verfasser angefragt werden.
(2) Die einzelnen Zeilen sind leider nicht kommentierbar, um eine klare Strukturierung des Codes beizubehalten.
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh/DTD DocBk XML V4.1.2//EN"
"http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [
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<!ENTITY ouml "ö">
<!ENTITY aperta "Encyclopædia Aperta">
<article id="index">
<title>Your Article's Title</title>
<subtitle>&aperta; Doc Category</subtitle>
<edition>First Edition</edition>
<pubdate>Publication Date</pubdate>
Template's intial public release. (Authors should
replace this remark and date with their own comments
and finish date).
<contrib>&aperta; Article Template Maintainer</contrib>
<contrib>Describe how they helped.</contrib>
A brief (one paragraph) summary of the article.
<holder>the authors</holder>
<section id="docinfo">
<title>Document Information</title>
<section id="document-location">
<title>Document Location</title>
The current version of this document can be found at the
<ulink url="http://www.opentheory.org/enzyklop_muster/">
&aperta;</ulink> project.
<section id="author-info">
<title>Author Information</title>
Please send corrections and suggestions to YOUR NAME at:
<email>YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS</email>.
Please put the title of this document in the subject line.
<section id="licenseinfo">
<title>License Information</title>
This document is made available for use under the
conditions of the GEA Public License - Version 0.10,
May 8, 2000. The original can be found at the
<ulink url="http://www.opentheory.org/enzyklop_lizenz/">
OpenTheory Site</ulink>.
<section id="intro">
The introductory comments.
</section> <!-- Introduction -->
<section id="first-topic">
<title>First Topic</title>
The text.
<section id="first-topic-subsection1">
<title>Subsection 1</title>
More text.
<section id="first-topic-subsection2">
<title>Subsection 2</title>
More text.
<section id="second-topic">
<title>Second Topic</title>
The text.
<section id="second-topic-subsection">
More text.
<para>an item</para>
<para>another item</para>
<para>again an item</para>
<imagedata fileref="some_picture.gif" format="gif"/>
If you were not using <productname>Lynx</productname>
you could now see a picture.
<appendix id="optional-appendix">
<title>Appendix Title</title>
This is an optional appendix.
<section id="appendix-subsection1">
<title>Appendix Subsection 1</title>
More text.
<section id="appendix-subsection2">
<title>Appendix Subsection 2</title>
More text.
<appendix id="resources">
Description and location.
Description and location.
<bibliography id="bibliography">
<subtitle>The Subtitle</subtitle>
<isbn>the isbn number</isbn>
<street>Street address</street>
<state>state, canton, province</state>
<pubdate>publication date</pubdate>
description (optional)
<biblioset relation=journal>
<title>Journal Title</title>
Publisher Name
<biblioset relation=article>
<title>Article Title</title>
<year>Month Year</year>
Copyright Owner
(3.1) Re: Leerer Artikel in DocBook XML, 12.10.2000, 20:24, Daniel Popescu: Da benutzt doch tatsächlich jemand das unfreie Format "gif" als Beispielgrafikformat.
(3.1.1) Freiheit für Formate, 13.10.2000, 14:07, Torsten Wöllert: Mea culpa! Sollte natürlich "png" heißen. Oder gibt's noch was besseres?